Photography :
These are all moths who congregated at the same time to the back porch at our old house in Canyon Lake off Purgatory Road. That place was absolutely magical for me growing up.
I graduated from college in December 2011. Many graduates celebrate graduation by flying to a vacation or to go backpacking in Europe. I didn't have that kind of money, and had just met a group of interesting travelers who called themselves The Revolujahs and busked for money as they traveled. So, when January came and they went West to New Mexico, I decided I wanted to catch them and just live a life that wasn't mine for a month. I drove to them and found them scattered until we all arrived in Taos, NM on the playa in a teepee by an trailer earth ship in the making. This is a photo I took of some of us playing music in downtown Taos on sunny winter day. L-R (Mutt, Andrew, Banjo, Henry, and Keenan). This photo is in remembrance of Keenan who passed away young. The following four photos are more I snapped as we traveled around and I'd color our faces with pastels and we would play gigs at random pubs, venues, and house parties. I played the beer can shaker as the second percussionist, Keenan played the spoons. We all sang. ( All photos by me except the 2 I am in; photographer unknown. )
The above grid of photos are all of the same full moon in January 2018. Outside in my backyard, under the trees.
Northern California, Fall/Winter 2018. By Jody Cross