^^ "Just Bring the Water", Jody Cross, 2013. The title is in honor of my mother caring for a this cow before it's death. The cow lay abandoned and ill in a neighboring field, unable to stand. My mother wanted so much to help the animal, but felt hopeless to save it's life because Death was so near it. During a morning meditation my mother received a message to simply give what she could and that would be enough. So my mother walked over to the dying animal and comforted it with food, water, and kind words until it slipped away from this world. A challenging yet beautiful connection between a human and animal.
The Bower Bird Gallery show ANIMALUJAH REINCARNATION, 2013.
Death is a natural part of the life cycle. When a loved one passes many of us try to find a way to honor and remember them. There are many unique traditions around the world, even in ancient human history, revolving around the topic of human spirits reincarnations and death. I believe that animals are worthy of this same honor. ANIMALUJAH REINCARNATION was created to bring blessings to the spirits of these animals after they have passed. Some of the bones are real and re-constructed. Other pieces are simply materials shaped to symbolize their passing in much the same way as a tombstone or earn pays respects to the deceased. No animals were harmed in the making of this show, and the wolf skull is a resin cast.
"Wolf Like Me", Jody Cross, 2013. This is a resin wolf skull, no wolves were harmed in the making of this sculpture.
"A Boy Named Sue", Jody Cross, 2013, In honor of my sweet Aunt Suzi who flew home after so many years of fighting cancer. May she rest as she lived, peacefully and beautifully.
(Above) " The Sweet Nothing Machine " - A small interactive art and sensory installation dreamed up and built by Felipe Gommez and Jody Cross, with help from Kelsey Huckaby and Hannah Carlock. Displayed for the general public at Martian Arts Fest in Texas, 2018.
Finishing up my first group/outdoor mural with friends. L - R: Bejat, Ronnie, and Jody (me). Completed November 2017 in downtown San Marcos, TX. Near LBJ and MLK. The big "Indian Paintbrushes" in oranges, pinks, and dark teal are my contribution. I had so much fun painting this with everyone!
One of my first solo installations built just for Art Outside in 2014. Only took me about 2 weeks of working only evenings in my back yard to build this thing. It lasted through several festivals and Art Outsides until the flood waters got to it. The dinosaurs are still around, retired to my back yard for resting. In this photo you can see a good friend and I are enjoying the totem and posing as our favorite dinosaurs. Can you tell which ones we are?
One of my first large found object sculptures in college, "The Running Man". It's since then been gifted to a neighbor and disappeared. 2010.
"Little Bird Brain, II". Please excuse the poor quality of this photo, it's the only one I have from this step in the process. This hand-embroidered art piece is an on-going project. It started in college at TSU and has since traveled to places like Ireland and the UK with me, I just keep adding to it a few times a year. Growing the nightmare a little each time. Jody Cross. 2011 - ?